About us


Solsoc is a signatory of the Integrity Charter for NGOs, ensuring rigorous and responsible financial management, truthful, verifiable, non-violent communications that respect the rights and dignity of individuals. You can also consult Solsoc’s ethical code and the policy for reporting and handling complaints.

To ensure that anyone wishing to communicate feels confident and can do so freely, a procedure has been established to facilitate the reporting of incidents or concerns. All reports are treated confidentially. Only those necessary for handling the complaint are aware of the details. You can also request anonymity.

As a fisrt step, you can always contact Solsoc’s Integrity Advisor. They will provide accessible, trustworthy, and non-judgmental support.


Integrity Advisor:

Alexandra NOEL

Phone: 02/505.40.81

Email: integrite@solsoc.be

Reporting Contact:



Complaint Management

68, rue Coenraets

1060 Brussels

Email:  complaints@solsoc.be

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