In Morocco, Solsoc and 3 partner organizations, AFAQ, AJR and IFAAP support neighbourhood associations in Casablanca and social and solidarity economy initiatives in order to strengthen them on a technical, strategic and political level. This support also makes it possible to create spaces for consultation with other actors at local, national and international level on the promotion of the social economy and access to social protection for all, in particular young people and women. In concrete terms, 15 associations and 20 social and solidarity economy initiatives from 6 districts of Greater Casablanca are concerned by this support. They develop neighbourhood projects based on the needs expressed by citizens in the fields of health, youth, education, the social and solidarity economy, equal opportunities, the environment and access to public services.
Finally, the political advocacy dimension is particularly present in Morocco. Solsoc and its partners are keen to relay the concerns of young people and women to the public authorities, thus including them in the policies that concern them and involving them in the decision-making process.